Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Who left the heater on?

Not me. someone in the cosmos is playing a joke right? Luckily we can turn on the air conditioner when it's utterly unbearable. I try hard not to use it too often for both environmental and economic reasons but I am really grateful that we have it. Growing up there was no airconditioning so to stay we cool we did several things.
Sat in the dark a lot. Had quick cold showers (we were very clean), Sat around with very little on ( obviously when no-one was home!). At school we'd take frozen water bottles, ate Snips and took a towel to sit on 'cos the seats were that horrible skin-ripping plastic. My favourite now though is going to bed with a wet flannel and the fan on.

This month has gone by so quickly. We've been busy with learning new things. I'm really enjoying the programming course. Family has been visiting from overseas and I've finally started ripping down the vine on the fence in the dust bowl. Of course the fence is coming down too, followed by the rails. It's going from bad to worse. But I'm NOT panicking . This stupid heat limits how much I do but if I do a bit at a time one day I will have a lovely spot for fruit trees and veg and a place for my chookies.

They've been moved to the front yard temporarily - they seem to like it out there. As they finish clearing each spot I'll move them.
I just need to get a small cage for night for them. They're still living in the rabbit hutch . Their day run is just chicken wire and a few star droppers. Works a treat. I just move the uncurled bit of wire to get them out at night ( watching out for spiders )

Craft wise I haven't done too much knitting. Still working on the yoked fair isle jumper and making friendship bracelets. They're fun and quick too. This one's MnM is making atm. I'm wearing mine around my ankle and feeling very Hippyish!

1 comment:

Yarnsticksbooks said...

I agree totally........... so damn hot.

Very little knitting has been happening here too.