Monday, March 14, 2011


On my last weekend free of uni homework Little Ma and i attended a WEA candle making course. It is one of those things i have wanted to do for years but when i get round to organising they were always booked out. We made five different candles to get a grasp on the basic techniques. Below are our makings after the four hour course. Minus one which is in our sewing area to light when being crafty.

I was not so happy with the colours of these but when i put it on the table near the frangipani flower from the garden it just blossomed.

This candle was made using a sheet of bees wax and then rolled in a primed wick. These look good tied in threes and is a great present. Even when not lit the smell is so sweet and fills the room even more with honey smell when lit.

This candle was made by Little Ma. I love the colour combination it is so light and reminds me of the ocean. Very cool and calming. It was made by using a 1 litre milk carton filled with a pre made long candle then filled to just above that candle with round ice. Then two different coloured wax was pored in at a corner each. The effect of the colours mixing is great though noticed it works better with lighter colours. To finish them we used hand held small propane torches. These gave a glassy effect and revealed any holes just below the surface.

Was lots of fun and is nice to have a candle made by ones own hands flickering on the desk while doing homework.