Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

The last of our Peaches I'm going to miss them in our morning porridge!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! Or as it's known in our house - Happy Fluffy Puff Day!
( The recipe was on an earlier blog). It's been such a lovely day today. We had some
special friends and my sister over for lunch.

Shared a vaguely Lebanese style lunch and
of course the Fluffy Puffs. It was good to take time out of the busy week and spend it relaxing
with my beloveds.

Chocolate Gugelhupf or Yeast cake for Valetine's Day

Classes have started and we're all happily busy with phone lessons (German, Biology, Chemistry and English) and attendance classes in Catering and Programming. I've learnt how to make a simple (and utterly useless) calculator and make a form that tells me my name. LOL ( Good for when my old-timers ailments start) But I've really enjoyed it. Probably cos it's in the morning and I think best then. (After lunch I usually need my Nana Nap)

OOh and I spent my birthday money too. I finally got the Knit-picks interchangeable needles - the Harmony Wood. Got MnM the steel ones last year and they were lovely but I preferred the wood. We can always share them now as both sets are interchangeable with each other.

There was a down side. I have to order the folder separately , which I didn't know and also the smallest needles (3.5) aren't screwing all the way down. I checked MnM's set and her largest needle has the same problem, only more so. I rang the Button Bar where we bought them and a lovely young woman ( Helena) said she had the same problem and just to try and push whatever is blocking it into the needle (with a tapestry needle) and if it doesn't work to bring them back. So I'll try that later and see how I go.

She also encouraged me to try the
  • Magic Loop
  • method for circular knitting and it works a treat. I've started the sleeve on a fairly long cable and its just so cool!! No dpns , no losing needles etc.

    Today I'm grateful for easy, tasty recipes that don't take forever so I can spend time with everyone. And automatic front- loading washing machines. They clean my clothes gently, use less water and water my garden.
    Valetine's Day is for all who love - Does that mean my chookies are my valentines 'cos they sure love me in the mornings when they're fed, in the evenings when they're put to bed and when they leave little presents on the paving when they escape. : )

    huggs Little Ma


    picklesticks said...

    It all sounds lovely at your house. I especially love those peaches! I am glad your valentines was enjoyable. My bloke and I went out last night to get toilet paper, brown sugar and chocolate milk. It was very romantic!

    Kris said...

    It does sound good at your house! I took Lily to training and waited for my beloved to get home from coaching. Can't wait till basketball is over! Only two more weeks.

    Great photo of the peaches!

    Yarnsticksbooks said...


    Ooops, I dissapeared under all the boxes there for a bit, but I'm back now.The move went well. Shush about the few boxes still lurking about. Tafe has started up again too so hopefully some knitting will get done on the train.