Friday, January 11, 2008

RSB Guide dog update!!!!

Hi everyone!!!
As some of you would know our first ever blog published was of Little Letty. Exactly 37 weeks ago our family decided we'd ( I mean Dudette) would train a guide dog. And exactly 29 weeks ago we picked up our "Little Letty". I thought it would be nice to do a two part special of her progress in the past 29 weeks. This post will be of the cheeky, mischievous, funny puppy we've come to know and love. This side is the side we see every day, and the side most other people won't get to see once she's out of the house and working. When we first got Letty she did a lot of sleeping, and us being softies took lots of pics. These are my faves.

Tim Tan enjoyed having Letty for the first few weeks, that is until she stopped needing so much sleep. He is 8 years old and needs 4 or 5 'Nanna' naps a day, Letty had other ideas about that and would bug him till she got what she wanted. However after the initial shock he has enjoyed having her here, and especially because we've had to give him more food because of the amount of exercise Letty has made him do.

Since then Letty has done lots of growing up, and when I say lots I mean lots.

Letty is a very interactive dog and is always trying to tempt someone to play with her. She loves toys. They've both been going through toys faster than a rocket over the last few months, and is starting to cost a bit. While shopping at Big W we found a very big Nyla-bone which is great for both of them because they can walk each other around without pulling it in two, which has been the fate of all the previous toys.

For Xmas she got the squeakiest toy ever. And will sit just out of reach in the middle of a movie and squeak it, either with her nose or in her mouth. Then run off just as you get up to stop her. It's also the longest lasting rubber toy.

I swear that dog was a seal in a previous life. Water. She loves it. When ever she hears the hose on she's right behind, ready to eat, catch and bite it. We took her to the beach for a swim the other day. I had to force her to sit on my lap in the water or she probably would have swum to the end of the earth. She quite likes to stop the sprinkler with her nose, and jump and run rings around it. (If you're from the RSB - we do stop her : )

Stay tuned for next months issue "Letty on the job" Got to get some pics first.
Sayounora MnM!!!!!!!!!!!

Little Ma here, To all those people who say to me "oh I couldn't do it. I couldn't give them up".... I Knoooow. I'm having heartbreak moments already just thinking about it. So I'm busy trying not to think about it.


Ink and Indigo said...

So cute! I lovelovelove Labradors.

Life's little stuff said...

Definitely. They're so chunky and cuddly when they're small. And we love that they can do "sloth" or "couch potato" really well.

Kris said...

Letty is humungous now! Amazing. Whilst it's hard to let her go, think how fantastic it will be for someone to get her! She will change their life, and all because you guys spent so much time with her. Great job!

Sorry about the park today - woke up with a headache and just didn't get that far.

Life's little stuff said...

Thanks Kris. We really hope she makes it. she's so adorable but just a bit skittish. Our fingers are crossed.
No worries about the park. It was pretty cool. Lots of spinners - it was fun