Sunday, June 12, 2011

Not a well boy

Well we really did have a crappy Friday this week. Not only did we have bad car karma but Tim Tam hurt his leg.
I can't remember if i have mentioned or not but Tim Tam our 13 year old dog has developed a cancer on his front left ankle.
He has had it for a fair while know and after seeking advice from the vet did decide it was best to leave it as the process to remove it and then chemo would be a very long and painful process for him and in the end he does not understand why we would do that to him and more importantly he is not in pain and is very happy. Unfortunately he over did it at the park on Friday and i think sprained his ankle, of course the one with cancer on it. Being a man he did not show it while at the park in front of his paw friends but that night would not put weight on it and seemed to be in considerable discomfort. He could not settle and by morning would not put weight on it and his paw had swollen to twice it's normal size. We took him to the vet who said he has also got swelling on the elbow. By this time Tim Tam was panting a lot and was getting very distressed as was I as the vet did recommend if he does not get better options were amputation of his leg or put him to sleep. Know i am definetley not ready to say good bye to my boy and do fully expect at least another year out of him. So he has been given anti-swelling, arthritis and pain meds which he will probably be on for the rest of his life. All Saturday he slept and thankfully had a peaceful night. Both Little Ma and I have been nursing him, and i must say it is hard when your patient does not speak his thoughts. lol I have to carry him outside for toilet breaks however he is ever ready to eat his tablets with a piece of cheese. This morning he actually got out of his bed on his own so I was really pleased but he still can't walk very far without getting tired. We sat on the grass this morning where i talked to him and he wagged his tail in response. He really is a happy dog even when in pain. After breakfast i put him back in bed in the back room so he could watch the goings on in the house and there he has stayed getting some solid rest and recovery.

When he does get up he just stands there with his leg hanging but i think he gets sick of laying down all day. I gave his other legs and back a massage last night and think he actually enjoyed it.

I am just greatful i am studying for exams so can be there for him this week. Hopefully the swelling will go down and he will be back on his feet soon. Fingers crossed!
At the moment Tim Tam is being kept company by Tiger the cat and Noah who has again been kicked off his big bed by the cat and is know sitting on much smaller mat. lol


Kris said...

Friday sounds like a bad day! (What happened with your car?) That leg looks dreadful! Hope the meds help him to feel better. (good luck for your exams. Lily is all done with hers and Rose and Molly don't have any, that's why they do those subjects Rose says!)

Life's little stuff said...

Car involved a flat battery and then a kiss of life from the second car to be followed by the second car making squeeling sounds later that day. The next day both were just fine. What can you do hey! Your girls sound very smart i think i would like to take a leaf out of their book as four exams is not fun. lol