Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A little more Koonamore

Our last half-hour of the long six hour journey to Bindi I, the house we were staying at, we got a flat. Not just a flat but a shredded flat tire. As there were plenty of helping hands three of us girls went for a walk to an old ruin up the road.

This is the veranda we slept on for most of the trip. the first night we spent the night under the stars, which was definitely an experience which everyone should have. There was not enough steel bed frames for everyone but thankfully a couple of the guys gave us their's after we spotted a small scorpion near the mattresses we were going to originally sleep on. I can cope with flys, sun and spiders but not poisonous scorpions. lol

When we were out in the reserve measuring quadrats or rabbit warren hunting we would stop for breaks and pull out our little plastic bag from the camping mattresses, due to the many prickle bushes, and sit and eat apples and lolly snakes. It was a funny experience as I could not get use to lifting the fly net before going to take a bite. lol


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