Saturday, September 20, 2008

For those who have read our blog you will know we have all taken up bike riding. We went bike shopping and come out with three mountain bikes. Yay!!! We then joined a bike group which get together every week for a 45 km ride and after riding for a couple of months we found out there's a two day bike ride to Victor Harbor and back.

And yes we did decide to go.

So last week at 10 o'clock Dude, Little Ma and my self set out with a group of 19 others from Blackwood.
The first 25 km was mostly up hills with a little bit of rain and hail. So we thought it couldn't get worse.
Yeah right!!!
The last 50 km was the worst. A quote from Dude " You know it's bad when you have to peddle down hill". Luckily we did have three support cars and Little Ma had a short rest for part of the way and I myself took a ride for the last 15 km while the other two continued. After 100 km and 8 hours, 19 tired riders arrived at the hotel at 6 pm. After a short shower and a filling meal the three of us hit the hay at 7:30 for a well deserved rest.
Breakfast was at seven for an 8 o'clock start. Luckily the sun was making an appearance and the wind had died down.
I'm happy to say we did not need the support car for the journey home. After 80 km and lots of cafes we all arrived at Noarlunga trainstation at 3 pm. The final destination for the ride.
From there we took the train to the local station and rode the last few k's home. After lots of tea and chocolate we have all recovered and am very surprised to say we all feel quite good all things considering.
Till next time MnM : )

I thought I was going on a holiday to Victor. No, it was a bike ride to Victor. Totally different thing all together! What was I thinking! What's worse I was usually last and apart from MnM and Dude everyone was between 10 & 40 years OLDER than me. AARRGGHH. It did cross my mind - are my kids trying to get their inheritance a little early?
Huggs Little Ma

1 comment:

Kris said...

I was wondering how your ride went. Sounds like it would have been more fun without the wind. Nice accomplishment!