Friday, May 30, 2008


I can't believe I haven't blogged since Easter! Bad Little Ma, bad!
But we've had sick people and hospital visits so I haven't always been here at the computer. Big Pa had a very clever op on some tube in his body - amazing what they can do . He's better now and back working in his shed. He's happy!
Dudette got a bout of kidney infection and was hospitalised. Thankgoodness I had my family helping me with food and staying at the hospital when I had to go and see to stuff at home! She's all better now but it was yuk seeing her so ill and in so much pain. Finding out she has reactions to codiene wasn't pleasant either. Especially as they administered it again when she was on the mend and I had gone home. Needless to say she got pretty sick pretty quickly again. What can you do but roll your eyes.
We didn't get much sleep so in between caring for Dudette I got some knitting done for
  • Picklesticks
  • . ( A little beret, poncho and cute little socks. I can't believe socks are so small. ) It was so calming. I didn't need a pattern so I could drop it when I needed to , pick it up again when I just had to sit around and wait. BUT I forgot to take a pic- rats. I'll pop in a photo of something else.

    MnM calls this one 'Ying and Yang" obviously!!
    Not Knitting but cute anyway!! There's a constant battle of wits for that bed between the 2 dogs. Tan ( the black one - yeah I know but I didn't name him) was so looking forward to Letty going but she caught Kennel Cough from her brother and shared it with Tan so they are both quarantined for 21 days. Which means she missed the intake for her guide dog training and has to wait for the next one . I don't want to think about how far away that is - it's going to be harder when she does go. Oh joy , oh joy.

    Huggs Little Ma

    Finally some free time : )

    Hi everyone.
    We have been so busy this month with stuff and this is the first time i've had to just sit.
    These are some pics i've been meaning to show you.
    This was my first try at knitting a beret. I was stoked to see the finished product.

    Here is Dude's first try at knitting and finishing a beanie with no pattern. He used a variety of purls and knit stitches.

    Being so cold in the mornings lately Dude decided it was time for a poncho. It's so warm and is sawn half way down the side to made arm holes.

    A few months ago we watched Nigella Lawsons cooking show were she used sugar flowers to decorate her home made easy cupcakes. Since then I'm total hooked and make shore i have a good stock of them in the cakes draw. Cupcakes are the easiest cake to make when you have a sweet tooth and a cup of tea.

    We went to spotlight the other day and got some very cool coloured sock yarn so I'm off to knit my first pair of sock. Till the next time i have a moment to spear.
    MnM : )